Wednesday 8 May 2013

'Stay at school' day 2/3

On day 2 and 3 half the group went on the day trip to Beaulieu whilst the others designed and created outdoor art and took part in some obstacle courses.

The 'Stay at school' group! Day 1

Whilst some of the children in year 34 headed off to Beaulieu for their residential 35 stayed at school to take part in some outdoor themed adventures... We started each day with breakfast together, then everyone chose 2 activities to take part in during the morning from: Pond dipping, treasure hunt, papier mache and cooking. In the afternoon everyone took part in the catapult team challenge.

Year 4 visit Oakhaven

A group of 15 year 4 children took part in a project with patients and staff at Oakhaven Hospice in Lymington. The project was all about masks, linking not only with last term's Africa topic but also helping children to recognise when others wear masks to cover up how they are feeling. The children really enjoyed the 4 afternoons and made some great friendships with birth patients and staff. Here are some photos of them at Oakhaven.

Let's go fly a kite!

Year 34 started the summer term with a TASC day. They worked in groups to design and make a kite to fly in the Hythe Primary Kite Show!