Friday 21 November 2014

Our superstar Kennedy who came in with a whole bag of money for Children in Need :) And Callum adding his donation to our yellow pot.

Friday 7 November 2014

Friday 24 October 2014

Art Challenge

Today Years 3 and 4 teamed up with Years 1 and 2 to compete in an art challenge.  The challenge was based on Richard Long's work who uses natural materials to create his art.

 Getting ready for the challenge

Off we go!

Team work

What can I do with this?

 Some inspirational examples.

Friday 26 September 2014

Year 34 visit Stonehenge

 Finding out what it was like inside the Neolithic houses. This is where the people who built Stonehenge might have lived. They were quite dark and very basic!
 Attempting (and failing) to pull one of the stones. It took ten years to move the stones from Wales to the site.
 The stones. And Elliot.
 Using the binoculars we got in our discovery packs.
 Sketching the stones. We appear to have some excellent artists.
 Inside the exhibition centre.
 Awe and wonder face.
 This screen showed Stonehenge in all seasons and the significance of the sun. Clearly too overwhelming for one visitor. :)
Some of our art - we will be using these sketches in school to do some painting.

Friday 6 June 2014