Wednesday 16 December 2015

Science club get creative with colour

Science club made different solutions of sugar water and added food colouring. The result is that you can layer different colours on top of each other due to the differing densities of the water. Clever! 

Thursday 26 November 2015

Beech Class Bake off!

Weighing out ingredients carefully following the recipe.

Not too much now...we want to win!
Rubbing together butter and flour a sticky business!
Carefully adding the filling and placing in the baking tin
The finished products. Which team will win?
The judge has arrived, a difficult task making a judgement on taste, appearance and texture but somebody has to do it !
The atmosphere is intense, you could hear a rolling pin drop!
 The Winners...congratulations!!
yummy, a good weighing job,  well done!
The Winning pies!

Saturday 21 November 2015

Reading Scales

How much is 50grams?  100 grams?  200 grams?

We used clay to make torches, candles and anything else that is a source of light. 

We made the mass of each thing different.  We had to estimate how much they would weigh.

Lots of different light sources!!

We then used the scales to check how close we were.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Recommended authors for year 3/4

Below is a list of authors to encourage your year 3/4 child to read:

Michael Morpurgo (Eg Butterfly Lion, Cool, Billy the Kid.) 
Roald Dahl (The Twits, Esio Trot, Fantastic Mr Fox)
Anne Fine (The Diary of the Killer Cat, Notso Hotso) 
Anything by David Walliams

Also, try tempting them with:
* First News (children's newspaper)
* Magazines (Jackie Wilson does a great one - The Official Jacqueline Wilson Mag)'
* Catalogues, cereal packets, anything that can be read! :-) 

Wednesday 16 September 2015

More at the Countryside and Education Trust in Beaulieu

 We had an amazing time .  It was a great way to start the year and get going on  our topic all about animals


Great Teamwork!

Finding out about the animals


 Finding our way around

What grows in the orchard?