Friday 23 January 2015

Creating volcanoes!

Bicarbonate of soda and vinegar giving the wow factor :)
Creating a volcano. 

Friday 9 January 2015

In Action-Healthy Hythe


Regular exercise is a great way to keep fit!

It is tiring but great fun!  We like to get outside and run as often as we can

Do it properly and you will feel the benefits!


Sound and Distance

What happens to  sound when you get further

away from the source?

We hit the triangle which caused vibrations and made a sound.  As we travelled further away from the sound we measured how loud it was using the data logger.

Muffling Sound!

Professor Big-Hair and Professor Bee-Hive have a problem. They can’t do any work, because their alarm clock is constantly ringing and the off switch is broken.   Professor Big-hair thinks if they wrap it in a sheet, they can muffle the sound so they won’t be able to hear it.  Professor Beehive thinks they should do an experiment with different materials, to see which one will muffle the sound best.   She says they should wrap the alarm clock in each of the materials, and see if they can still hear it ringing.
We planned a fair test.  We changed one thing (the material)
and kept everything else the same.
We then carried out the experiment

Year 3/4 Science. Sound.

We put rice on the drum to see what would happen when we 'banged' it.
The rice vibrated.