Friday 22 May 2015

Winchester through time

We have been looking at how Winchester developed over time. 
We began our day in the great cathedral: 
Some of us tested out the choir stalls...

We discovered many interesting areas -there was so much to see! 

This is us climbing the steps as the monks would have done; on their knees to say sorry for any sins.

The beauty of the cathedral was outstanding: 

Reading about the people of the past. 

The cathedral provides many breathtaking scenes. 

After lunch we went to the city museum. 
Here we are making a mosaic:

We looked at the development of land: 

And we looked at how clothing has changed...

We also looked at the architecture in the high street. 

What an interesting place! 

Thursday 21 May 2015

Using Algorithms

We have been using algorithms to find our way around Winchester and Winchester Cathedral.  First of all we made a map of Winchester showing the places we visited on our trip there.

We put things onto our maps like King Alfred's statue, Winchester Museum, Winchester Cathedral and the High Street. 
We then had to make or 'Turtle' get to different places on our maps by creating an 'algorithm'.  Some of us used cards with instructions on to help us.




 If the algorithm was wrong we had to 'De-Bug' it in order to make the 'turtle'
get to the right place. 
 Some of us made a map of inside the cathedral and we made an algorithm to make our turtle visit different places in the cathedral. 


We made things more difficult by visiting more than one place or by making some parts of the map 'out of bounds'.
(for example making the turtle cross over the River Itchen using a bridge)


Wednesday 13 May 2015

Place Value. How to x by 10

Think about your Hundreds, Tens and Units.  Put them in a column. 
Make your digits.  X by 10. 



Can you explain how it works?


We love reading in PB.  We try to make sure we read every night. 


We can change our books every day and in the morning
Mrs French is always there to help us. 

 We love reading poetry, fiction, non-fiction......... 


Tuesday 12 May 2015

Apple and Watercress Salad PB


First we read the recipe to find out what we needed. 
Then we got everything ready.


We chopped our ingredients.
We prepared everything.

We mixed it all together.

 The finished product.

All  cleared up.  Great team work!

Tastes good!!