Sunday 14 June 2015

Year 3/4 homework 12.6.15 Due: 18.6.15

Year 3/4 homework 12.6.15 Due: 18.6.15
Task 1
Pick a word to make these sentences make sense.

Billy put on suncream to stop himself getting ………..…….in the sun.

The cake was so delicious that Henry ate a second ……………….

Amy worked so hard that ………..achieved a gold certificate.

Task 2

Under the bright blue sky, Alfie lazed on the grassy hill. ‘Ah, this is the life,’ he said to himself. Little did he know that he was being watched by a group of beady eyed squirrels, their focus on his picnic lunch on the rug next to him; a picnic lunch full of delicious food that they were keen on helping themselves to. Just some stealthy movements needed and those sandwiches were theirs to feast on!

Which word is a preposition in this paragraph? ……………………………

Find and write three adjectives: ………………… …………………….. …………………..

Which word tells you Alfie is relaxed? ……………………………

Task 3

Write synonyms for these words:

Small ………………….

Outrageous …………………..

Interesting ………………………

Hazy …………………………

Bright …………………….(there are two meanings for this word – you can choose which one to use.)


Task 1
How many seconds are in a minute? ……………

How many minutes are in an hour? ……………

How many hours in a day? ……………..

How many days are there in a week? ………………

How many months are there in a year? …………..

Task 2
Add half an hour (30 minutes) to these times.

9:30am ………………

11:45am …………….....

2:50pm ………………..

7:21pm …………………

Task 3
Roughly, how long do you spend time doing your homework? …………

Grace started her homework at 4:20 and finished it at 5:20. How long did it take her to complete it?


A club starts at 3:10pm and finishes at 4:30pm. How long is the club?


Mr Pritchard

Thanks very much for all your help over the last two weeks Mr Pritchard.  We really enjoyed having you around. 
Mr Pritchard talked about his guitar
and played some amazing music!

Science-salty ice melting

Which melts quicker an ice cube with salt in or one with just water?





We found the one with salt in melted slower.
Is that right?
Some of us thought the salty cube would melt quicker because we put salt on the roads which helps the ice melt quicker.
What do you think?