Friday 21 October 2016

Year 3/4 Homework

As promised, here is the Year 3/4 homework booklet!


If you download it, it'll be easy to print a copy!

Year 3/4 Team

Thursday 13 October 2016

Stone Age Food

In History, we learnt about Stone Age food. We discussed how their diet changed a great deal throughout the Stone Age period. 

We had the opportunity to tastes some seeds and berries. Some of us really liked them... some not so much! 

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Year 3/4 read their Harvest poetry at St John's Church

Today we went to St John's Church for our annual Harvest Festival. The children have been busy learning songs to sing. We also spent some time writing poetry to perform at the church.

Here are some videos of the children picked to recite their poetry.

Matilda and Jack- Beech Class

Tom J- Ash Class

Maddie and Charlie- Silver Birch Class

These are just some of a wonderful selection of Harvest Poetry. Well done to all of Year 3/4 for their poetry work!

More photos from Stonehenge with STILL more to follow

If you click on these rather squished photos, they will come up with the normal size!

Monday 10 October 2016

Stonehenge photographs...more to come!

On our way...

Stone Age houses

Desperately trying to pull the stone!

We made it to the stones!

Sketching the stones...

Time for lunch...

Looking around the exhibition

Receiving some gifts from the gift shop as we were a very well behaved school!

We have so many photos to document our day! So make sure you come back and check them out! Well done to Year 3/4 for wonderful behaviour and such interest in our topic!

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Using a search engine and then saving to favourites!

We have been looking at how we can use search engines safely within our I.C.T time. We discussed the words we used and how if we don't refine our search it can give us thousands of pages to search through.

We have also looked at how we can favourite a page to get to it quickly when we need it.

Here is Jamie from Ash Class explaining how you can favourite a webpage.

Favouriting a webpage