Wednesday 30 November 2016

Science by Chloe


The science we did on 29th of November  2016 was putting water  into clay, garden soil and sand
to see how many bubbles would come up. I thought that the sand would  come up with no bubbles
but it came up with 4 bubbles  and the garden soil came up with 6 bubbles, the clay came up with 1 bubble!

Maths by Connie


Maths today was really fun because me ,Seren, Ali, Willow, Adam and Katelyn P we did some card fractions for example what goes into one half of two to make a whole.

Made on the 29th of November 2016

Made by Connie Avery xxx

P.E. by Teagan.

Today my class are doing P.E and forest school!

Forest Schools by Phoebe Field

                                                forest schools fun! 

What we can do.... 
There is a mudkichen, climb trees and use hammock!

A few of my favourite things by Thomas E

Today we have been treated by Praizin' Hands!
It was about Christmas,the first song was quite funny. First  Angel Gabriel came around to say that Mary was having a baby called Jesus and he will be the son of God. Then Mary told Joseph that she will have a baby as a king. After they went on their donkey called Oscar and then they went to Bethlehem. The journey was 60 to 70 miles. When Mary and Joseph finally made it to Bethlehem. They nocked on a inn keeper and he said they had a stable. All of the animals let them have a bit of room ,then  Jesus was born.

Made on Wednesday 30TH of November 2016

Thanks for reading.

Forest school by Seren

Today we are going to be doing forest school the last times we have done forest school it has been fun. One time we went to go find some rock because we were smashing them on bricks it was noisy but real fun. Seren xxx

Praizin' hands by Eloise

Praizin'  Hands               

Today after  handwriting  we  went  to  Praizin'  Hands  it  was  about  Jesus.  At  the  end  there  was  a  cool  boy  he  was  funny  looking.

Blogging club by Hannah

Last  week   in  blogging club  we  did  what  our  favourite  things are  so  far which  I  found  fun  and  amusing.  I  wrote  about   English  with a smiley   face  with  a   party  hat.  I  love  it. 

Reading club by Ruby

Every day different classes do some reading for 10 minutes sorry but the teachers pick [they're sooooooooooooo mean mm!] but I do it and I'm reading The Twits by Roald Dahl [I LOVE ROALD DAHL BOOKS!] We have partners, mine is partner Tamira ! Here's a picture of the book The Twits.

Maths so far

First we did place value then  we did  expanded  method then column method then the grid method then lots of other stuff.

by Harrison

Science Club

Science club

At science club we did crystal snowflakes. Some of them didn't work but most of them did. The ingredients were borax, hot water and food colouring. We left it over night. At the and of the day we took them home and we get to put them on our tree. I relly enjoyed it.
by Lana   

Praizin' Hands by Zach

Today I saw a puppet show called Praizin' hands because it was Christmas soon, we had a Christmas puppet show it was very funny and loud .

Praizin' hands by Mollie

Praizin' hands

Today we saw the prazin' hands they did a Christmas puppet show. It was good. At the end they shot out confetti.

The science we did


The science we did on the 29th of November 2016 is rocks and soil, what we had to do is see which one was the bubbliest with different types of soil were sand, garden soil and clay and we weren't expecting it but the garden soil was the bubbliest. I really really enjoyed it.

 By Katie xx               

Prazin' Hands by Oscar

Today we had a Praizin' Hands the Christmas

show. It had a donkey called Oscar.  I was shocked.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

My favourite thing in year 4 by Ali


In P.E we have been doing netball. We have been having keep ball games it is fun I love it and I can't wait to go again.

My favourite thing so far in year 3 by Mollie


My favourite new thing is my classroom because it has a theme and last time it did not have a theme.
It is superhero theme. I LOVE IT!!!We also have new rules. They are fun! We have a chart that says how you should behave.

My favourite thing so far in year 3 by Eloise


My  favourite  thing  so  far  in  maths  is  my  4  times  table  because  it's  my  favourite  times  tables.
                                            by  Eloise

My favourite thing so far in year 3 by Harrison

My favourite thing so far is maths. In maths I do times tables,division, grid method, column method  and   expanded method.I really enjoy it.


My favourite thing so far in year 3 by Hannah


Today  in  English  we  were   writing   sentences   about  are   things   that   we   thought   were    right  about    killing   whales. We used our charts that we wrote yesterday in English. 

My favourite thing so far in year 3 by Oscar

My favourite thing is forest school. 

Forest school is amazing what you can do
you can play in the mud kitchen and go in the  hammock and the rope swing or have fun.


You can't have sticks longer then your arm!

My favourite thing in Year 3 by Isaac

We were doing an experiment in Science. It was fun I loved  it, it was amazing! I like my friend Leon.

Isaac Maher

My favourite thing so far in year 3 by natahlia

My favourite thing is spending  time with Miss Moffat and Mrs Burgess.

My favourite thing in year 4 by Katie


My favourite maths lesson so far was when I did grid method because I really enjoyed maths its my favourite lesson in general. I really like doing the numbers and its just really fun in every way!!!!!

                                  By Katie xxx                    

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Maths by Austin


Today I did maths in maths I did 2x71=142 and 53x3=159 I loved It. I also did column subtraction. 

Learning about soil


In science we did a experiment ,we had to go and get a sample of soil. I got some mud from the mountain. We had to see what we had in the soil. It could be water, air, minerals or organic matter. 

Scarlett M



We have been learning Christmas songs. We are doing jingle bells and drunken sailor.     
by Ali      



Today I did maths we my class did grid method. There were four numbers to do there was 53,71,45 and 26. These are the ones we times-d with them 5,2 and 3, This maths was hard but fun.

Seren xx

Music by Grace


Music is something beautiful which you use by singing or writing you make it up or copy it from a singer you might like. My class are playing guitars so far it is great!!We played different music and songs/tunes. I  Grace love to make music up and write it down or sing it from another singer. My best singer is Adele, my favourite song from her is Set Fire To The Rain. I like that song because I like rain. Music is great!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                 Grace xx



Today we did maths I did something hard it's called the grid method. It was hard. Some children decorated some biscuits . And after maths we got to try a biscuit. They were  yummy.

                              from Mollie

Our maths lesson today by Isaac

Today in maths we were learning the grid method.I found it really easy.                                                                                                                                                                                           

Our Writing Today.By Jamie

Today in writing we were writing sentences about prediction. We had to predict what would happened next in the story The Boy With The Bronze Axe.