Wednesday 8 February 2017

if i won the lottery by Ruby

If I won the lottery I would be like Billionaire Boy [but thin!:D ] and buy the world.


When I win the Mollie

If I win the lottery I would get a mansion and buy a limo.

If I won the lottery...By Lana

If I won  lottery I would get 3 Beagles , a lovely swimming pool ,and a phone and  make a castles out of lego

If I were to win the lottery by Chloe

If I won the lottery I would get a dog, swimming pool, lots of sweets and a phone.

If I won the Katie

If I won the lottery I would buy an Aston Martin DB9 and buy a Mansion with 10 indoor swimming pools and loads of sweet machines!!

Wednesday 1 February 2017

When I Grow Up by Ruby


I am going to be fancy artist and draw and

sketch posh pictures and sell them all over the world. 

When I Grow Up by Chloe

When I grow up I want to be an actor so I can be rich and famous. I like acting. 


When I Grow Up by Lilly.Kinch

When I grow up...

I would like to be a doctor to save lives or if I can't be a doctor I would be a teacher to teach little kids.

When I Grow Lana

When I grow up I want to be a vet because I love animals especially dogs . In my spare time I like to go to my nanny's house and play with her dogs there names are called Jack.  Jack is a pug and Boris is a Jack Russell / Chihuahua. I love them so much.

When I Grow Katie

When I grow up I want to be a Olympic Gymnast because I love Gymnastics- it's the best for me. In the summer I would go outside and do Gymnastics, I really hope I do!!!

When I Grow Up......By Mollie

When I grow up I want to be rich, by inventing a new invention- the robot machine.