Tuesday 25 April 2017

Making Saxon Shields

Ash Class have started to study an Anglo-Saxon non-fiction book in Whole Class Reading. It links with our work on the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. Today we used instructions to create our own Saxon Shield. 

Miss Moffat was proud of their achievements. Some of the instructions weren't straight forward and the children coped well. They clearly read and understood the instructions!

Friday 7 April 2017

'The Food Train' and 'Scissors' by Ash Class

As a phase, we have been looking at performing poetry in our Guided Reading sessions. Here are two videos from Ash Class.

The children were given no direction from their teacher. They were asked to study the poem and work as a team to perform it. 

Look out for some more fabulous work next term in Year 3/4!

Tooth Decay Experiment

In our phase this week, we have been learning about teeth in Science. We decided to conduct a scientific enquiry to see what would happen if we put a hard-boiled egg (the hard-boiled egg shell acts like enamel on our teeth) into milk, water, orange juice and coke. Here are some pictures from the week! 

We discovered that the coke and orange juice had the most drastic effect on the egg shell. We were especially surprised how badly the egg shell reacted with orange juice. You could simply rub off the shell! 

Well done to Beech, Silver Birch and Ash Class for such fantastic scientific enquiry!

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Eddie the Penguin Saves The World by Ruby

Last week we did a play called Eddie The Penguin Saves The World. It is about penguins who want to save the world. There was singing, dancing and acting. I was polar bear 4. It was great fun!