Friday 21 March 2014

You have received a new message

You've received this Picture Mail from mobile number 

Subject: You have received a new message
More difficult with a cup of water!

To save this picture, right-click on it with your mouse and select 'save image'. Mac users can click and drag the picture to their desktop.

To save this picture, right-click on it with your mouse and select 'save image'. Mac users can click and drag the picture to their desktop.

To save this picture, right-click on it with your mouse and select 'save image'. Mac users can click and drag the picture to their desktop.
You can reply to this message once for free...
Just click on 'reply', type in your message (you've got a maximum of 500 characters) and click 'send'. It'll go straight to the sender's mobile phone, so they don't need to be on their PC to receive it. You can only reply once to each MMS you receive, so make sure it's a good'n!

You've got a chance to reply until 27/03/2014.

If you're a 3 customer you can get more information about sending and receiving picture, video and voice messages on your mobile at

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