Saturday 19 April 2014

More Great Homework


Hunting the Hydra
Three hundred thousand years ago there lived a stinky, fat, revolting hydra that was going to make the world crumble. Someone had to defeat it, he was known as the chosen one. He was called Spiro.
It all started in a small village. There was a group of people who went hunting in a sunny wood. There was Spiro with two men from the village.
When they got in to the wood, roots covered the entrance and it turned dark - it seemed   polluted. They smelt BLOOD. The leader, Spiro, said ”Move on, nothing to worry about.”
Suddenly, the hungry hydra jumped out and ate one of the men. The hydra had four sickly, green heads and teeth as sharp as diamonds and was bigger than a giant. Luckily, Spiro had taken a sword and shield. He had one man left.
“Help!” the man shouted, but Spiro was fighting a different head so the man got eaten. Spiro then managed to chop off one of the hydra’s heads but the hydra grew two more. The hydra thrashed Spiro to the ground and shot his head to eat him. His teeth got in to Spiro’s arm and blood squirted everywhere. He nearly ate Spiro but Spiro grabbed his sword and stabbed it in the hydra’s mouth. The head went black. Spiro realised he had to do it to all seven heads.
Spiro jumped on the hydra and jabbed its mouths until he had defeated it. Spiro didn’t realise the wood was still a dangerous place but he made it home – this time…



Monday 14 April 2014

Holiday Homework-Our Roman Myths. Send on your Myth to see it on the Blog!!!

 Once upon time there was a hero called Max and his partner Sam and they sailed to a lava land and their feet were boiling.  Max and Sam heard a roar “what was that?”,  suddenly  they found a bleeding horn poking out.  Uh oh and then Sam saw another one and then a button  popped out.  “Ooh – what is this?” I want to press it. Aaaaaarggggggg! We are giants! Let’s battle I’m  going to destroy you ! Yeah!!!!!  I killed you I’m going to take you home and have you for dinner because you are tasty!!  Oh a sword he’s alive!!


“What have you done - where’s my arm?”  I’m going to kill you but I’ve got your sword . “What are you going to do?  I’m going to slice you in half!”   Oh no you are not I’m going to block you.  Oh no my sword wait I’ve got another one.  What is that?  Take that you giant ah Sam help me. I cant do anything.  Okay  god please heal me I’m hurt thanks god.   I’m  going to turn this pile of junk into a playground where everyone  is invited here  to play whenever they want. There will be a slide climbing wall, roundabout  swings and some ropes and zip wire.

Super Myth Homework

The sun was shining upon the small village of Romadom.The village had all they need Food,life and peace.Everything was going smooth,*:"> blushingUntil a black dragon  swept across the village.Every villiger were running into their huts screaming in horror as Romadom turned grey and black.As the Months went by none dared to step out the hut ,Until D-DAY came a white dragon saw the terron in Romadon.


The white dragon landed on a destroyed hut taking watch of the village.The white dragon stood there for a few days ,Until a small girl named Asha said please stop the war your are only hope.The white dragon nodded his head and flew off.


Hours later the white swan flew back she flew over to the black dragon*>:) devil who was destroyed inocent peoples souls as fires danced around houses.She panced on the black dragon and started throwing dust at her.The black dragon fought back and bit the  white dragon ,It was the end.When the black swan bit out of the whites swans body came white dust ,Suddenly the black swan fled Romadom and was never heard of again,Meanwhile in Romadom the villagers souls came back  although the white dragon was up in the sky.


Just before going to Heaven Juno awarded the white dragon a medal and took the whitedragon into the sky.


Finally the villagers saw the light of angels

Amazing Myth

                     Roman Myth – The God of Swords


A long long time ago in Ancient Rome there lived a helpful little girl called Ellie. Ellie helped everyone in need even people who weren't always kind. She got on with everyone from babies to the elderly.


One day a god dressed in a white toga and a halo as gold as a hoard of Pharoah's gold flew down to Rome. He landed by Ellie who was feeding the family's animals. “My name is Uraki” he said to a startled Ellie. “I am the god of swords – would you help me find a sword, kill a beast and return home alive?” asked Uraki. “Of course” smiled Ellie.


Ellie set off immediately and climbed a mountain before abseiling down the other side. She walked 20 kilometres and swam across the sea and walked past a murky cave. She found a maze and began to walk through it - but every way was a dead end. She sat down on a tree stump and began to weep, glistening tears dropped onto the ground.


Suddenly a short fat man walked towards her and cried “Why do you weep dear child – why why?” “I c-c-can't f-f-f-find my way through the m-maze” stammered Ellie. The man replied “Try walking through the dead ends”. “But they're dead ends – it means they are sealed off” interrupted Ellie. “Have more belief” answered the man “and you will also find the beast” he said before scuttling off as fast as a mouse being chased by a hungry cat.


Ellie stood up and took a step forward – instead of hitting the prickles she found herself deeper in the maze – she carried on doing this through the maze until she reached a stone wall. “I wonder?” said Ellie to herself and with a step she found herself in a dark cave instead of banging her head on the wall as she had expected.


Ellie's eyes got used to the dark cave and she saw the beast – it was a huge red creature with long spider legs and sharp pincers and had a long tail with a sting on it. Ellie could hear it snoring – it sounded as loud as drums and cymbals being crashed together. Ellie hoped it would stay asleep.


Next to the creature was a box with a silver key hanging above it moving from side to side with the force of the creature's heavy breaths. Ellie grabbed at the key and put it in the lock on the box – she turned it and the box clicked open. There inside was a shining silver sword. Ellie lifted the sword above her head and 'Chiiinnnng' the beast was dead. Ocean blue blood flowed from it's wound.


Ellie took the sword and left the cave – this time the maze was wide open and as she ran through it she realised she could see Rome on the other side. Uraki appeared as she arrived at her home. “The sword” he exclaimed. “Thank you dear child”. “You're welcome” grinned Ellie. Uraki smiled at her and said “In reward for your help and braveness, you are now the goddess of helping others”. Ellie's neighbours and family cheered and clapped as Ellie the girl who was always willing to help them got her reward from the gods.