Monday 14 April 2014

Super Myth Homework

The sun was shining upon the small village of Romadom.The village had all they need Food,life and peace.Everything was going smooth,*:"> blushingUntil a black dragon  swept across the village.Every villiger were running into their huts screaming in horror as Romadom turned grey and black.As the Months went by none dared to step out the hut ,Until D-DAY came a white dragon saw the terron in Romadon.


The white dragon landed on a destroyed hut taking watch of the village.The white dragon stood there for a few days ,Until a small girl named Asha said please stop the war your are only hope.The white dragon nodded his head and flew off.


Hours later the white swan flew back she flew over to the black dragon*>:) devil who was destroyed inocent peoples souls as fires danced around houses.She panced on the black dragon and started throwing dust at her.The black dragon fought back and bit the  white dragon ,It was the end.When the black swan bit out of the whites swans body came white dust ,Suddenly the black swan fled Romadom and was never heard of again,Meanwhile in Romadom the villagers souls came back  although the white dragon was up in the sky.


Just before going to Heaven Juno awarded the white dragon a medal and took the whitedragon into the sky.


Finally the villagers saw the light of angels

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