Monday 14 April 2014

Holiday Homework-Our Roman Myths. Send on your Myth to see it on the Blog!!!

 Once upon time there was a hero called Max and his partner Sam and they sailed to a lava land and their feet were boiling.  Max and Sam heard a roar “what was that?”,  suddenly  they found a bleeding horn poking out.  Uh oh and then Sam saw another one and then a button  popped out.  “Ooh – what is this?” I want to press it. Aaaaaarggggggg! We are giants! Let’s battle I’m  going to destroy you ! Yeah!!!!!  I killed you I’m going to take you home and have you for dinner because you are tasty!!  Oh a sword he’s alive!!


“What have you done - where’s my arm?”  I’m going to kill you but I’ve got your sword . “What are you going to do?  I’m going to slice you in half!”   Oh no you are not I’m going to block you.  Oh no my sword wait I’ve got another one.  What is that?  Take that you giant ah Sam help me. I cant do anything.  Okay  god please heal me I’m hurt thanks god.   I’m  going to turn this pile of junk into a playground where everyone  is invited here  to play whenever they want. There will be a slide climbing wall, roundabout  swings and some ropes and zip wire.

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