Friday 27 January 2017

Limericks by Ash Class

Following on from learning about Haiku poems, Ash Class looked at limericks in Guided Reading. It was very tricky, but we gave it a go. Here are just some of our efforts!

There was once a penguin from a cold place,
Who had a very smiley face,
He sits on his bum,
Whilst he shouts at his mum,
On his holiday he never packs his case.

There was once a cute teddy,
Who was never ever ready,
He had very cute eyes,
This teddy loves hat pies,
He is actually called Freddy.

By Katie

There was once a welly called Nelly.
Who was cheesy and smelly.
He lived in a drain,
Has a chocolate brain,
And sits down and watches telly.

By Josh

There once was an Enderman from Ender
Who always was a contender
He teleports from left to right
He always gets in a fight
But then he got put in a blender

by Hamish

We looked at the patterns that Limericks had. We noticed that the 1, 2 and 5 end word rhymed and so did the 3rd and 4th end word. This was definitely a challenge for Ash Class but they rose to the challenge!

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Book review by Ruby

                                              MY FAVOURITE BOOK IS...

I love you ,mummy!' because its nice and short and all about love and to teach you to care for your elders.

Book Review by Oscar

Book review

My favourite book that we have been reading Billionaire Boy, it is amazing.  

Book review...By Lana

My book review

I'm reading Billionaire Boy. It's about a boy called Joe and his best friend called Bob. Joys dad is called Mr Spud. I rate this book as a 10 out of 10   

By Lana

Book Katie

My book review is about a book called The Wimpy Kid and the Ugly truth. It's about a boy called Greg and his two brothers Manny and Rodrick also his friend Rowley. Greg has a very hard life. I rated this book 9/10.

Book review by Mollie

My favourite book is World's Worst Children because it is about Children being naughty.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Haiku Poems by Ash Class

We have been learning about Haiku poetry in guided reading. We know that they are three lines long and their pattern goes 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables. Take a look at some of our poetry!

I love the summer.
I love swimming in the sea.
I love my ice cream.

By Mili B

The warm swimming pool.
I was in the nice warm sand.
The ice cream was nice.
By Carys

I'm on holiday.
We stay in a cool beach hut.
I love my ice cream.
By Neeve

I love the seaside.
I have the melting ice cream.
The sea is cold brrrrr.
by Eloise

The seaside is fun.
It is nice on a day off.
I like the ice cream.
By Josh

The melting ice cream.
The sunshine is very hot.
The sea is so blue
By Rosie

Hot holiday sun.
Fun games in the nice, warm sand.
Ice cream in my hand.

The sea is shining,
Children are playing YIPPEE!
By Ruby

Wednesday 18 January 2017

If I could change the Ruby

 If I could change the world I would stop world war three from 
I would make more people care for the environment .
 I want people to let us wear what we want and do forest schools everyday at school.

If I could change the Mollie

I would make sure no one dies.
I would make sure everything was FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
I want it to be sunny more often.

If I could change the Katie

I would make sure there was a cure for diseases and make sure no one would get them and I would make everyone live forever. I would make everything FREE from shops and markets.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Blogging Club

Regular readers of the blog will notice that our phase have been blogging! It's been really fun to teach the children how to blog. To keep things interesting our blogging club will have blogging prompts which will be a topic for them to write about. Here are the rest of January's blogging prompts.

18th January- If you could change 3 things about the world, what would they be?

25th January- Review the last great book that you read

Other posts will also be going up with photographs and examples of brilliant work. We're proud of our phase for working hard and we want to share it with the parents!

Blogging Club runs on a Wednesday lunchtime from 12:30-1pm. Please speak to Miss Moffat if you'd like to join! 

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Roman Numerals by Lana

In our maths lesson we have learnt Roman Numerals for about two days now. Sometimes it gets very hard

by Lana

Golden Time by Chloe

Golden time

At golden time we do lots of activities like cooking, colouring, the ipads and some times we do forest schools.   

by Chloe

Roman numerals by Katie

Roman numerals
In our maths lesson which was two days in a row we did Roman numerals and I learnt...
I =1
V =5
X =10
L =50
C =100
D =500
M =1000
I figured out what are year was now in Roman numerals and it is MMXVII.

English by Jamie T :D

This past week we have been writing about Around the world in 80 Days.  It's a really good book! A bank was robbed and Phileas Fogg is betting that he can go around the world in 80 Days!

English by Thomas E

This past week we have been reading Around The World In 80 Days.

It's an awesome story and a bank was robbed so a man called Phileas Fogg is going to travel around the world in 80 days.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

More P.E. photographs

New Year's Resolution by Seren

My new year's resolution is to be more confident and competitive in gymnastics, dance and golf and to be more independent in my school work and be more quiet.

New Year's Resolution by Hannah

My new year's resolution is to be more independent  in my work and be more competitive in everything  I  do.

 **** by Hannah *****

New year's resolution by Ruby

                           BEING INDEPENDENT                                                               

My teacher and me, Ruby, both agree I should be doing most things by myself.


My new year's resolution  is to be kind to everyone everyday and be polite .

          Happy new year everyone!

New Year's Resolution

My Resolution for school   

My resolution for school is to get better at reading, writing, independence and spellings.

by Lilly Kinch xxxx

My New Year's Resolution this year at school

New year resolution for school

My resolution for school is to get better at editing my work.

By Lana

New Year's Resolution

New Year's Resolution

My resolution is to have neater work.

by Chloe .

New year's resolution by Mollie

My new year's resolution is to read more books because it is good for me.

My new years Resolution this year at school

My Resolution for school!

My Resolution for school is going to be that I read more books at school, and that I try make more words in English and try harder.

by Katie xx