Friday 27 January 2017

Limericks by Ash Class

Following on from learning about Haiku poems, Ash Class looked at limericks in Guided Reading. It was very tricky, but we gave it a go. Here are just some of our efforts!

There was once a penguin from a cold place,
Who had a very smiley face,
He sits on his bum,
Whilst he shouts at his mum,
On his holiday he never packs his case.

There was once a cute teddy,
Who was never ever ready,
He had very cute eyes,
This teddy loves hat pies,
He is actually called Freddy.

By Katie

There was once a welly called Nelly.
Who was cheesy and smelly.
He lived in a drain,
Has a chocolate brain,
And sits down and watches telly.

By Josh

There once was an Enderman from Ender
Who always was a contender
He teleports from left to right
He always gets in a fight
But then he got put in a blender

by Hamish

We looked at the patterns that Limericks had. We noticed that the 1, 2 and 5 end word rhymed and so did the 3rd and 4th end word. This was definitely a challenge for Ash Class but they rose to the challenge!

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